Hi MLB fans,
I'm not a sports commentator, nor do I play one on TV, however...as the baseball buzz builds around the possibility of a SF sweep of Motown's henchmen of the horsehide sphere...I am mildly surprised by the general lack of mention from the radio sports talk hosts, and their listeners that call in with "wannabe analyst" opinions regarding the overall (and probably very significant) effect Posey's return to his team's line-up has had on the Giants' storybook performance in the MLB post-season.
First of all, just getting into and getting through the pennant race was a spectacular, exciting and emotion wracking roller-coaster ride of near death moments as the Bayside brawlers toughed out their NL supremacy in a doom-defying display of talent, tenacity and the ton of "lucky dust" that gets sprinkled on them from who-knows-where just when they need it! Hey, that's baseball...and this year's postseason play has been some of the best ever in the history of the professionalization of America's Pastime. Posey's strong comeback (from that disastrous collision at the plate in 2011's early season) has him fully functioning in 2012 as an invaluable spark plug for his team. Obviously he has ignited their "reach-deep-down-for it" tenacity that made them contenders for, and participants in, the pennant race eliminations. And now, team's momentous tenacity has brought them on to take the first three games in the WS championship series. (Is there a whiff of sweep int the air???}
Ok, since Buster's up for the NL Player of the Year and the MLB (?) Comeback of the Year no one seriously questions his skilled athletic resilience and charismatic intra-team dynamism. Still, I've not yet heard any of the pro radio sports commentators make mention of "The Posey Factor" as a significant contributor to the Giants' (literally) incredible performance to date in the present season. So I'll venture this wee huinch: if Posey picks off one or both of the "...of-the-year" awards and should the Giants sweep or "just" win the series in seven, much mention will ultimately be made of the mythic/legend-like aura that surrounds this young team captain who has won the respect and admiration of his entire ball club for the key nature of what he delivers to them and their fans as well.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
When Roger Clemens recently dodged the perjury trial bullet professional sports purists were provided with a premise for some righteous howling and gnashing of teeth. It has become increasingly apparent that rich iconic sports stars are virtually armor plated against such prosecutions. Are these essentially "show trials" which are conducted and publicized so that "the people" might believe that dishonesty and banned practices in pro sports are punishable criminal acts and are deserving of reform. It's the age old "throw them a bone" routine to pacify their indignation.
In American politics campaign finance reform advocates diligently publicize illegal abuses of how contributions are made to candidates by special interest groups. The intent is to raise the public's consciousness on the cesspool of national politics that was once known as the congress of the USA. A lot of reformist bone throwing goes on there as well.
In the waning months of the year 2012, a national election year, perhaps sports fans and voters alike will become increasingly aware of just how and where corrective action can be applied to remedy some blatant and nearly institutionalized criminal behavior by prominent individuals in highly visible "arenas".
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Big Boys Don't Run From Reality
The many fans of Scott & B.R., AM radio XX 1090's co-hosts of San Diego's prime weekday morning sports-yak show found this announcement posted on the station's website last Tuesday:
"Jerry Sandusky interviews too creepy for airwaves"
"The Scott and BR Show is choosing NOT to air any more of Jerry Sandusky's interview w/ Costas. Is this the right thing to do, or should they talk about what seems to be the biggest sports story?"
The majority of the listeners that responded to the station's survey questionnaire felt that this story is too important to ignore and should be discussed freely for its lesson value to coaches, student athletes and scholastic sports program administrators. The editorial staff at WOS agrees with the show's regular followers.
The two sports savvy commentators are intelligent, witty and mature enough to explore the Penn State scandal from all angles and provide their audience with informed insights and opinions that constructively contribute to the conscientious prevention of such aberrant adult behavior that victimizes innocent, unsuspecting youngsters.
Friday, November 18, 2011
An Instant TV Classic For The Ages . . .
I just watched the Bob Costas probing phone conversation with Jerry Sandusky that aired on one of his recent TV broadcasts. Great interview! Costas went at him with direct, pertinent and to the point questions about his alleged behavior in the company of pre-teen boys frolicking ("horsing around" is Sandusky's term) sans apparel in a mens' locker room shower on campus at Penn State on several occasions over the last 8-10 years. According to other charges made in this case, that was not the only location where episodes of similar activity took place.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Bigger They Come...
The PENN STATE SHTINK! (Italics frivolous)
Classic tragedy...fatal flaws abounding...stalwarts of ethical/moral righteousness being revealed as co-conspirators in the attempt to hush-up the bizarre misdeeds of a staff colleague in the mens' athletic department driven by his weakness for sex with young boys.
"Who knew what and when?"
If this question were directly asked of Penn State's sports program faculty, from Paterno on down, it would very likely reveal some ugly double standard issues that resulted in putting the innocent, young victims at unsuspected risk.
Classic tragedy...fatal flaws abounding...stalwarts of ethical/moral righteousness being revealed as co-conspirators in the attempt to hush-up the bizarre misdeeds of a staff colleague in the mens' athletic department driven by his weakness for sex with young boys.
"Who knew what and when?"
If this question were directly asked of Penn State's sports program faculty, from Paterno on down, it would very likely reveal some ugly double standard issues that resulted in putting the innocent, young victims at unsuspected risk.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Roger Clemens Back in Court
Roger Clemens will be tried again in federal court beginning April 17, 2012. He faces the same perjury charges that were brought against him previously. Due to procedural errors made by the prosecution team, his first trial last July ended in a mistrial. Pending the outcome of the second trial what, if any, other penalties do you feel would be appropriate for Roger Clemens? Make your voice heard by participating in our Roger Clemens specific War on Sports opinion poll found elsewhere on the blog.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Consequences for Barry Bonds
Barry Bonds was recently convicted in federal court on obstruction of justice charges regarding his use of steroids. He currently awaits sentencing and faces justice ranging anywhere from light-to-moderate probation to doing time in a federal penitentiary. In addition to his ultimate sentence what, if any, other penalties do you feel would be appropriate for him? Please make your voice heard by participating in our War on Sports opinion poll to your right.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Unpleasant Sports Shockers

Currently there are some major breaking stories focused on the dark side of NCAA "big college" sports programs. Called into question are the ethical standards regarding recruiting methods and the "scholarship" perks offered to attract highly desirable players. U.of Miami's football program was recently exposed as being in serious violation of NCAA rules governing practices involving the acceptance and distribution of money and "favors" that were received from a con artist convicted of a $900 million Ponzi scheme.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Sports Heroes on Trial

Thursday, November 3, 2011
When Tigers Cry
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Whining Winners of Sports
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sports And War in Mother Russia
The demarcation line between sports and war is blurring alarmingly in Russia. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian Nationalists have become increasingly, and violently, intolerant of most other ethnic groups. Brutal beatings and vengeful murders have ensued.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Your Athletic License Please
The earliest known instance of crowd violence at a sporting event took place in 532 BC in ancient Constantinople. Two chariot racing factions, the Blues and the Greens, were involved in riots which lasted for a week. Nearly half the city was burned or destroyed in addition to tens of thousands of deaths. This unruly, destructive, aggressive, bullying, often called "hooliganism" is becoming a more frequent behavior pattern associated with rival sports fans, who also vent ethnic and/or political animosities within these encounters.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Blame It on Ken Burns
Friday, October 28, 2011
Throwing The Game
“Taking a fall," “Throwing a game,” “Fixing,” “Fraud,” whatever one calls it the manipulation of the outcome of sporting events is big business. Last year 15 men were arrested in Germany as suspects in the fixing of football (soccer) games in 15 different European countries. The men arrested in Germany are Croatians but other arrests of multiple suspects have occurred in Turkey, Bosnia, Switzerland, England, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Feets Don't Fail Me Now!

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Ethicality in Middle School Sports
This popular YouTube video shows a U.S. middle school football team executing a most controversial “trick” play during a regional championship game. The hackles of sportswriters and broadcast
commentators have been raised by questions concerning the play’s technical legality and ethical correctness. Concern over these issues immediately attached itself to this well publicized story and continue to trail it to this day.
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